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Monday, September 3, 2007


Over 1.2 billion people lack access to safe water and 2.4 billion lack access to sanitation.
Some 6000 children die daily from water-borne and water-related disease. The United Nations has made clean water one of its Millennium Development Goals (MDGs ), that by the year 2015, the proportion of people without access to safe water and sanitation should be reduced by 50%. This is a major challenge for humanity: 47% of the people in sub-Saharan Africa lack access , 28% in Asia, 18% in Latin America and the Middle-East. In rural Ethiopia 88% of the population, 40 million people, lack access. In India, 400 million people lack access to adequate sanitation. Many United Nations and government agencies, NGOs, foundations and corporations are responding to this challenge. They seek way to implement water/ sanitation projects but they frequently lack on-the-ground capability and seek a local partner. Rotary clubs are well positioned to be such partners. The community root of the club, its familiarity with local culture and value, its semi-autonomous nature, all lend themselves to a natural alliance with these agencies. I enclose some materials on Water for your perusal. It would be wonderful if you could come up with the Water Projects for your District's Rotary. I will be very happy to help you with the development and implementation of the Projects.I request you to organize a District Seminar for water where action plan for Rotary Clubs to follow will be drawn up. Could you please appoint a representative to focus on water resources in your Rotary District? I look forward to your early response. Yours in Rotary, HO.

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